From The World of Lith Printing,
By Tim Rudman, Published by Argentum (2006)
Sixteen Wheeler Star Trail,
Valentine, Nebraska, 1998
Robert J. Vizzini, USA
Lith developed, gelatin silver prints,
Image Sizes: 13" x 13" & 17" x 17".
Ilford Multigrade IV paper,
Kodak Kodalith Super RT developer,
full strength (1 part stock A 1 part stock B), approximately 100 degrees F, no toner. I use Kodalith developer at full strength starting hot as mixed and I will usually print for hours. My negative exposure times are from 5 to 40 seconds in the enlarger. I slip the exposed print in the developer and continuously agitate for from 2 minutes to 10 minutes depending on the negative, snatch the print at the time I feel is visually correct for contrast and development. Immediately slip it in the stop bath (Kodak indicator) for around 15 to 30 seconds, drain and fix in Kodafix.
Late Morning Light.1,
Stovepipe Wells Sand Dunes,
Death Valley, CA, 2003
Robert J. Vizzini, USA
Lith developed, gelatin silver prints,
Image Sizes: 9" x 9" & 15" x 15".
Forte Fortezo grade 3 paper,
Kodak Kodalith Super RT developer,
1:4 (1 part working solution [A+B] 4 parts water) approximately 80 degrees F, no toner. My negative exposure times are from 4 to 12 seconds in the enlarger usually at f4-5.6. I slip the exposed print in the developer and continuously agitate for from 5 minutes to 17 minutes depending on the negative, snatch the print at the time I feel is visually correct for contrast and development. Immediately slip it in the stop bath (Kodak indicator) for around 15 to 30 seconds, drain and fix in Kodafix.